The Intensive Care Unit/High Dependency Unit was designed to address the needs of critically ill patients and was established in the year 2004. In 2019 we upgraded the ICU into a comprehensive unit with 3 beds with facilities to rival the best in the industry.  Our current ICU is a 3 bed ICU with the following features:

      • Bedside cardiac monitors.
      • Automatic Electronic Defibrillators.
      • Cutting edge ventilators.
      • Oxygen delivery systems.
      • Pulse Oximeters.
      • Arterial Blood Gas Analyzers.
      • Electrocardiograms.
      • Built in panel for delivery of medical Oxygen, vacuum and suction facilities.
      • The ICU is manned by dedicated nursing staff round the clock with an intensivist in house.
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      The ICU to its credit till date has helped several lives over the course of the past decade or so.  We routinely manage heart attacks (including thrombolysis), strokes, endocrine and metabolic emergencies, drowning cases to name a few.  The ICU has been acclaimed by many to be the best in the South Coast of Kenya and caters to a large number of residents and tourists alike.