Executive Health Check-ups

Prevention is better than cure is an age-old saying.  Keeping in mind this we offer a range of executive health checks that will help us to identify and address health-related issues.  These checks cover a wide range of tests aimed at detection of anomalies of all bodily systems.  They offer a timely insight into the health of an individual and alert both the clinician and patient to any discrepancy that might warrant clinical attention.  In today’s stressful life it is imperative that everyone of us past a certain age routinely (and no doubt frequently) spares some time in getting these checks done.

These health checks can be availed directly or through the suggestion of one of our doctors.

Should you wish or your doctor recommends such a check please come on an empty stomach (after overnight fasting) and report to the reception of the hospital.  You only need to spend 30 minutes of your time in giving your blood/urine/stool samples and then the rest is up to us!  A detailed physical examination, consultation with the doctor and reporting of the tests is done within 24-48 hours of time.

For more information regarding the tests involved, please choose the preferred package from the left sidebar.